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      常州市創(chuàng )高電子科技有限公司,在原有自動(dòng)化控制系統的生產(chǎn)基礎上不斷開(kāi)發(fā)出新型高頻感應加熱設備,中頻感應加熱設備,超音頻設備,超高頻感應加熱設備等系列產(chǎn)品。公司凝聚多年專(zhuān)業(yè)制造感應加熱電源的豐富經(jīng)驗,高標準設計,精密加工,采用進(jìn)口名牌元件全力打造高頻感應加熱設備,焊接設備,并以其優(yōu)良的品質(zhì)、穩定的性能、優(yōu)越的價(jià)格性能比,能夠很好的程度地滿(mǎn)足了客戶(hù)的利益和需求。

      質(zhì)優(yōu)創(chuàng )新的產(chǎn)品,專(zhuān)業(yè)嚴謹的管理,全面的技術(shù)支持與服務(wù),使公司產(chǎn)品迅速占領(lǐng)市場(chǎng),銷(xiāo)往國




      為客戶(hù)提供更具競爭力的產(chǎn)品,適應多變的挑戰。本著(zhù)客戶(hù)為本的原則,創(chuàng )高人把“精心制造,用心服務(wù)”落實(shí)到產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn),銷(xiāo)售的每一個(gè)環(huán)節,無(wú)論是在售前,售中,售后,創(chuàng )高人將一如既往地以高質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品,高品質(zhì)的服務(wù)誠摯忠實(shí)地與新老顧客合作。

      Changzhou Chuanggao Electronic Technology Co.. td. Changzhou Chuanggao Electronic Tech.nology Co.. Ltd. continuously develops new high frequency induction heating equipment, mediumfrequency induction heating equipment, ultra audio eguipment. ultra high freauency induction heat.ing equipment, cold welding machine. mold repair machine and other series products on the basis othe original automatic control system.

      The company has many vears of professional experience in manufacturing induction heatinoower supplv, high standard design, precision processing, using imported famous brand components, to build high-frequency induction heating equipment, welding equipment, and with its excel.lent quality, stable performance, superior price performance ratio. to the greatest extent to meet theinterests and needs of customersHigh quality and innovative products, professional and rigorous management, comprehensivtechnical support and services, make the company's products quickly occupy the market, sold tomore than 20 provinces and cities in China, deeply praised by customers.in terms of management responsibility, quality inspection, design audit, production proceduresand customer service. the company is com mitted to customer continuous satisfaction in strict accor.dance with ISO9001 international quality management system standards.Adhering to the consistent business philosophy of "everything for customers", we strive forperfection, spare no effort, improve product quality and service quality, and provide customers withmore competitive products to adapt to the changing challenges.In line with the principle of customer first, chuanggao people put "careful manufacturing andattentive service" into every link of product production and sales. No matter before. during and afteisales, chuanggao people will sincerely cooperate with new and old customers with high-quality prod.ucts and high-quality service as always.


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